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All things Instagram

All things Instagram
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Welcome to Grid Talk, for all things Instagram!

If we haven’t yet met, I’m Triinu, an Instagram coach and I help businesses to get noticed on Instagram. I will help you learn how to
attract your ideal customers to your feed instead of a bunch of randoms!

While you are waiting for your first Grid Talk where I share invaluable
Instagram hints, tips and secrets why don't you take the free quiz and find out Why your growth is slow and engagement low on Instagram. This is a great starting point! You can find out why AND what to do about it. 

Grid Talk will land in your inboxes once a fortnight (with the occasional extra one sent out for exciting news that I just can’t wait to share!)  

If you have any questions please reply to this email or DM me on IG, let's get growing your Instagram!

Triinu x

Creative Puddles Instagram Training
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